

  • 项目背景: Leica徕卡 DM2700P偏关显微镜、LeicaDM2700MH金相显微镜、Leica徕卡共聚焦显微镜
  • 使用单位: 深圳先进院、深圳电子材料院
  • 设备信息: SOTOTT隔振台
  • 解决方案: SOTOTT隔振台/减震台/防震台

SOTOTT隔振台广泛应用于Leica徕卡金相显微镜、偏光显微镜、超景深显微镜、体视显微镜、倒置显微镜, 应用工具:Leica徕卡 DM2700P偏关显微镜、LeicaDM2700MH金相显微镜、Leica徕卡共聚焦显微镜

Mahmoud Baghagho

Founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses.

Mahmoud Baghagho

Founded by Begha over many cups of tea at her kitchen table in 2009, our brand promise is simple: to provide powerful digital marketing solutions to small and medium businesses.